Artists of the Month: Jeanette Davis and Rollin Kocsis


Artists of the Month

Jeanette Davis

Specializing in textured acrylic, Jeanette is best loved for her paintings of the Hernando de Soto bridge and other iconic and essentially Southern scenes. Cotton, a farm landscape, the coastline – her work doesn’t just present a setting; it creates a feeling.







Rollin Kocsis

In his long artistic career, Rollin Kocsis has exhibited in juried exhibitions, group and solo shows throughout the United States. He has received numerous local, regional and national awards. From 2010 to 2015, Rollin was the curator for Gallery Fifty-Six in Memphis. He was then director of the Beverly and Sam Ross Gallery, Christian Brothers University from 2016-2018.

Currently Rollin paints with acrylic on canvas and also creates hand-painted silk scarves that are sold locally.






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