Tuesday Newsday: National Health Care Decision Day
Are You Having the Conversation on End of Life Planning?
April 16, 2021 is National Health Care Decisions Day. This fall on Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 10 -12 Noon, at St. Ann-Bartlett Church, Ave Maria is holding another seminar on End of Life Planning. Our goal is to educate our residents, family members, and friends on preparing Advance Directives.
This is an appropriate time to ensure that families are having discussions with each other on the value of planning ahead by having a living will, durable power of attorney for healthcare, and other documents so that in the event of a disaster, like COVID-19 the past year, you can be prepared. End of life wishes are very important and there is no time like the present to begin this process.
Please know that we are here to help you through this process. We will have more information available on our website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Frank Gattuso or Lisa Bell at 901-405-3797, if we can assist you in any way.
Download the NHCDD Fact Card.